< Best Wheelchairs for Handicapped Dogs in Europe [3D print production]

Mobility aids for disabled animals.

AnyoneGo: free again

We design and manufacture mobility aids for disabled animals. Do you need a top-quality, bespoke wheelchair for your dog? Then you are in the right place.

How does it work?

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How can I put my dog in the AnyoneGo wheelchair? Is it complicated? And how long does it take? This short video will answer your questions. Starring Taffy and her AnyoneGo wheelchair.

Do you want to explore the wheelchair more? Are you interested in its parts and features it and what exactly can be adjusted? If so, watch this video!

How does it look like when you take AnyoneGo client for a walk? That is exactly what you see in this video.

Watch this video sharing a story of one of our clients, the adorable Jitka. You can see how a wheelchair works in real life and how it gives them back their independence. Get your tissues ready! 

Dogs we have helped 

Each of our furry clients has a unique story. We are very happy that thanks to their great owners and our products, these stories can continue, even though their legs are not working as they should. We are always delighted when our clients stay in touch with us and allow us to share their experiences with you.

The story of AnyoneGo

Above you can read the stories of our clients, but what about the story of AnyoneGo? It officially started in 2016, when Jan Jiránek, Ivan Lukáš, and Martin Schenk met and founded the company.

Since then, we´ve come a long way. We introduced the world not only to AnyoneGo wheelchairs for handicapped animals, but also braces for dogs. We are working on more products for animals and humans!

Our team grew to six people, and we received angel investment. The AnyoneGo story is just beginning.

Want to know more about the World of AnyoneGo? 

There is a lot that goes into running a company like AnyoneGo, and we write about it on our blog. Whether it’s news about what’s happening at AnyoneGo or new information and tips on how to care for (not only) handicapped animals, you can find it all there.