< Carts for Handicaped Dogs - Story of Bella - AnyoneGo

AnyoneGo Wheelchair: hind legs Bella the City Beauty Queen

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Bella is one of those lucky dogs who get to live their whole life in a loving family. Eleven years ago, Bella’s owner got her from a responsible breeder. Together in their new home, their days passed in peace and joy.

Unfortunately, in 2018, Bella started to have problems with the movement of her hind legs. After a trip to the vet, the diagnosis was clear – deformity of the vertebral spine with spinal cord compression. A condition that is unfortunately common with dogs of her breed. 

Bella is an irreplaceable member of the family, so when the vet recommended surgery, her humans didn’t think twice. The surgery was a success and at first, it seemed that she would be fine again. She was coming to rehabilitation regularly and the first improvements appeared. For unknown reasons, however, while exercising with the dog physiotherapist and at home, her recovery had had many ups and even more downs. At the beginning of 2019, despite all the care, Bella began to pull her paws behind her.

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Dog Wheelchair for Bella

There was no other option for Bella’s family then to accept that they have lost the battle. But, the war to give Bella a happy, great quality life, was far from over. One of their most important weapons is Bella’s wheelchair. It makes it possible for Bella to go on walks with her humans and doesn’t have to be confined to safe, but often boring and lonely four walls of their home. 

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Satisfied Owner

Bella’s owner is happy not only with how the cart works on longer walks to support the dog’s hind legs but points out another benefit. 

“The wheelchair proved to be a good rehabilitation tool as well. Since she started using it, Bella gained back some of the sensitivity and movability of her legs! At home, she can walk – albeit a little awkwardly and only for a short distance, but even this can be considered great progress. And seeing your dog get back on their feet again and walk is amazing!” 

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