< Oliver, the paralympic athlete - AnyoneGo

AnyoneGo Wheelchair: hind legs Oliver, the paralympic athlete

Oliver’s known story does not begin until he was already a full-grown adult – and paralyzed – and his current family saw that he was up for adoption. Not much is known about what happened before he came to the shelter. According to veterinary examinations, it is clear that he has had a spine surgery, but today this is not so important anymore.

The important thing is that Oliver is in his forever home for several months now, and his family wants to show that adopting a disabled dog is not something you should be afraid of. But if you read more of our client’s stories, you already know that! Coody and Annie are also examples of a successful adoption!

New beginning

Oliver’s new family is action-packed. Parents, children, a cat, another dog and another animals. It would seem that there will be no room for another dog, and definitely not one with a handicap! But when they found him on the internet, he captured their hearts and they could no longer forget him.

Of course, getting a new member of the family is a serious decision, so they went to visit Oliver in person, to see if they would be a good fit for each other. Their meeting only confirmed that Oliver will be a wonderful addition to the family, despite new challenges and worries. So it didn’t take long for Oliver to move out of the shelter for good.

He rode out of the shelter on his old metal wheelchair, but it was clear that it wasn’t suitable for him. It did not fit him properly and especially in the front part of his body the cart greatly restricted his movement. Instead of walking, it allowed him to take tiny steps. Finding a new wheelchair was therefore one of the first things the new family embarked on.

And because at that time there was a Christmas competition in a popular animal magazine, in which it was possible to win discounts on AnyoneGo wheelchairs, there was no reason not to participate. That’s what happened, and Oliver eventually became one of the main winners!

In addition to a new wheelchair, financed by a group of wonderful people, he also received a new tailor-made drag bag and other small gifts.

From a shelter to the race track

And how is Oliver doing with his new bespoke AnyoneGo wheelchair?

According to the new family – wonderfully! It’s light and doesn’t overload his little dachshund body. Literally from the first moment he used his new hot wheels, he was excited that he could finally walk, and even run! Now, in addition to lounging with children and other friends, stealing toys or walks, he has immersed himself in Hoopers, a dog sport, which he enjoys immensely.

Oliver will soon celebrate his ninth birthday. And he doesn’t care that the hind legs don’t work as they should. His family loves him and sees no reason to be afraid of the extra work that this paralyzed dachshund carries with him. (And they live on the 4th floor without a lift!) He is cheerful, nothing hurts or bothers him, and he now lives a great life. We dare to say that he is enjoying his life even more than healthy dogs to which their owners owners do not pay enough attention to. As far as we know, one of ou first riders, Cooper, would agree, as he is even happier now than before his accident.

Wheelchair dog and influencer

Oliver also has his own accounts of different social networks! There, you can see how well he is doing – you can find him under “Oliver v jednom kole” on Facebook and Instagram. Even though it’s in Czech, we encourage you to follow him – after all, photos and videos speak for themselves.

We support them a lot in the promotion on social networks, because these stories show the best that dogs in wheelchairs are not suffering and are not a burden on their families. On the contrary dogs with rear legs handicap have many happy and active years ahead of them. Oliver proves this every day.

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